FediPapers en general


Aquí un fil general pels FediPapers que ara estan llistats en una pàgina dins de l’apartat Fedivers de la web.

Si algú vol comentar algun FediPaper en concret, potser millor que li crei un altre fil.

Actualització 25/08/2024

Heus aquí dos nous FediPapers. Abans de posar-los a la web, crec que hauríem de filtrar-los, és a dir, llegir-los nosaltres, obrir un fil a l’àgora, mirar què diuen les veïnes i, si es detecten males pràctiques, visibilitzar-ho.

El primer mal exemple el tenim al FediPaper de la Universitat de Milà del 2019 on fins i tot diverses fedizens van signar una carta i al final es van despublicar els “data assets”. En fi, anem comentant :slight_smile:

Análisis de la investigación sobre el Fediverso: Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma y otras de sus plataformas]()

Aquests els he trobat gràcies a aquest fil d’en lrp (PeterLib)

2 'M'agrada'

M’encanta la feina que vas fent de “recopilació cultural” del Fedivers! Seria acció “metafediversal”, però igual això d’afegir “Meta” a Fedivers genera aixecaments de cella :thinking::crazy_face:

2 'M'agrada'

Afegeixo una font de FediPapers. És un repositori de zotero:

He econtrado aquests dos enllaços per si són del vostre interes



1 'M'agrada'


He encontrado el pdf del segundo aquí:

He vist aquest paper. Bastant senzill, res massa nou.

Destaco a les conclusions:

Our preliminary analysis indicates that while the Fediverse has the potential to reduce (though not eliminate) centralization compared to non-federated social media (see Fig. 2) and can foster communities tailored to the interests of the individual – such as eorzea.photos for Final Fantasy players, liberdon.com for libertarians, lemmygrad.ml for Marxists, and mexico-pensante.blog for public policy discussions in Mexico – it faces significant challenges in achieving a more even distribution of users and traffic across the social Web on a large scale (see Table 1 for an example). In essence, the Fediverse may address the needs of specific individuals and provide suitable local environments, but it is unlikely to disrupt, by itself, the dominance of for-profit web oligopolies.

Among the challenges faced by the Fediverse, as discussed in the literature, techno-romanticism may not only hinder its ability to achieve its goals but also help explain the gap between the overconfidence of some advocates and the evidence presented in this work. According to Struett et al., techno-romanticism involves three tropes [24]:

(1) The belief that technologies inherently possess the ability to improve the human condition regardless of social and political stewardship [22].
(2) The notion that individuals can significantly impact society without the support of institutions or collective coordination [23].
(3) The idea that free-market solutions are viable, often disregarding pre-existing power imbalances, and will inevitably increase social utility.

Additional challenges to scaling the non-commercial Fediverse include financial sustainability, the risk of commercial capture by Big Tech, the maintenance of FOSS, and effective content moderation [24 ]. Addressing these challenges will require moving beyond the aforementioned techno-romantic tropes, seeking institutional support, coordinating large-scale actions, confronting power imbalances, and pursuing evidence-based solutions. Practical steps might involve passing legislation to regulate large, for-profit social media platforms and creating incentives for federated alternatives; providing state funding for Fediverse infrastructure, maintenance, moderation, and FOSS development; and encouraging large, influential non-commercial institutions to adopt and promote the use of federated social media.