Flohmarkt: un "mercadillo" fediversal

Guaita! Encara és viu i cueja. flohmarkt és un programari federat que seria com un mercadillo per intercanviar béns i serveis. AGPLv3 a Codeberg: Ole. Però ni idea de com es pilota ni què tal el maneguen.

The name flohmarkt is a german word and translates to flea market or garage sale in english. This is a symbol for each flohmarkt being meant to be a small place for a somehow connected group of people. All the flohmarkts willing to federate make up one big place for small advertisements about exchange of goods and services.

flohmarkt as its project name is written in lower-case letters.

Segons es comenta, han rebut finançament per integrar GNU Taler. Molt interessant! Aviam com avança.